
Jaded, j-j-j-jaded

It's so repetitive. This is really the only thing I write about. Well, I actually write a lot more but all those entries are tucked nicely within the confines my harddrive. But yeah, I see the repetition. I actually do get bored sometimes always slaving away at this issue. Perhaps it's because I find it to be of utmost importance, to know why we wake up everyday. But, whatever. I'm starting to think it's futile. That there is no answer within reason alone.

Well what I wanted to share was something I read in Ecclesiastes about a year ago. It's really stuck with me ever since. It's Ecclesiastes 9:7-10. The author of Ecclesiastes deals with the question of existence throughout the entire book. After all that questioning, this is his solution: "to live and enjoy living". No, he doesn't answer the question. No, we don't get to find out why God created everything such that it would be like this. This happens in Job too. God just plays the.. well.. God card. He doesn't explain it, He just puts Job in his place. Even the document from the absolute source does not give an absolute answer. In the end, we are left with life. We may have some idea as to what to do with it, I know I do. But, why I was given such a precious yet terrible gift, I haven't the slightest idea. And truly, I don't think anyone does, though they may have well-crafted hypotheses.

And so.. maybe this is our lot in life, to live in partial darkness. Ecclesiastes says there's a season for everything. Perhaps the season of humanity requires us to lack full knowledge in this area and to have faith. To push on to face the unknowns of tomorrow because we just don't know.

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